Wrath & Glory

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Frostgrave stuff - Loot Studios Terrain + Reaper Bones

I did not get painted what I expected to get painted over the summer and really didn't have nearly the amount of hobby time that I thought I would have.  Then I somehow tried to start one too many projects which caused a massive backlog and a general hobby funk to set in.  In the midst of that I started a game of Frostgrave with my daughter (see previous post - Frostgrave Well of Dreams and Sorrows).  I was able to get my daughter's warband built and painted and mine built but just my wizard painted.  Eventually I will post pics of each.  However, I just had a hard time lately getting more done.  Painted terrain has always been a great way to get motivated as it is pretty quick to get good results.  So, I printed up quite a few pieces of ruins I had from a past Loot Studio subscription.  These are perfect for Frostgrave or quite frankly any fantasy game.

These turned out great, so easy...primed dark brown, then primer grey with a zenithal of light grey and/or  Zandri Dust (or both).  Then a heavy dry brush with an antique white craft paint followed by a dingy oil wash.  Done.  And that got me back in the mood to paint so I grabbed the miniature I picked for my Frostgrave tracker, which happens to be a Reaper Bones mini.  Not a huge fan of the bendy soft plastic they are made with but I was really happy with the result....see below!


Frostgrave Tracker with Loot studio ruins



Reeaper bones mini in front of loot studio ruins
 I quite like the way she turned out!

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  The idea of this blog is of a chronicle of both my gaming and hobby for future reference by both me and my children and friends...   A t...