Wrath & Glory

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

In the beginning....no, let me sum up.


The idea of this blog is of a chronicle of both my gaming and hobby for future reference by both me and my children and friends...  A time capsule so to speak.  There are a lot of blogs like this out there (some I read and like and I may even link to) but this one is mine.

I have been playing role playing games for just about all of my life.  Literally since D&D was a zine and somehow with the same group of friends.  Usually whatever the current edition of D&D is or was or 4th Ed. Hero System.  There have been other rule sets, such as the Star Wars RPG from a few (several?) years ago and one of my favorites Conan: The Roleplaying Game, 2nd Edition (this campaign was the stuff of legends). And during all that time I painted miniatures for of all the various games we played.

And then there is Warhammer.  I have always known about Warhammer, the trips to the store sort of near my home were always a treat when I was much younger. And their silly pots of paints always my favorites (once upon a time).  But I never played Warhammer in any form or fashion.  And then….

I can’t remember the exact year, probably 2018 around my daughter's 11th birthday.  We were walking out of the bookstore and there was a sign across the parking lot …. “WARHAMMER”.  Where the heck did that come from?  She of course wanted to go in.  We looked around, don’t think I bought anything, but they told us, hey come back next week for the store birthday, lots of cool stuff….and this so happened to be my daughter’s actual birthday.  So we went, and she wanted Warhammer for her birthday…….

I got her the Start Collecting Seraphon box and a lot of paints….a lot of paints...because you know, the instructions tell you all the paints you need.  And I remembered why I really didn’t shop at Warhammer much in my youth $$$.  

Now, I actually hadn't painted a mini in several years...because I was too stubborn to acknowledge I needed reading glasses and just couldn't see the detail anymore. But, on the way home from that visit I got an email from Amazon suggesting I could use a cool pair of magnifying glasses.... seriously, what the heck?

Anyway, I had no idea the models had to be built, being a bit of a metal mini snob at the time (think Reaper and Rackham Confrontation).  But we built and we painted.  But she got a bit frustrated because she couldn’t paint them as well as she wanted.  So, Warhammer got shelved for about a year.  And then in 2019 on a family trip to the UK we walked by the Warhammer shop in Glascow and again my daughter insisted we but some models….and this time it took. The hook was set.  The box of Troggoths were so much fun to paint and base.  I had to have more.   


Scottish Troggoths, circa 2019

I think we did the Warhammer store for my daughter's birthday again in 2019, and I learned about and purchased Blackstone Fortress and there was no going back.

And then...I had a lot of time on my hands to paint mini's (I am looking at you 2020).  Well, that and play Fallout 76 😏

So yeah, this blog is sort inspired by you Doodles (in case you are reading).

I will focus on what I am currently into and building/painting but may go back in time every so often and look at old mini’s I have painted.

Welcome to the Rogue-Gamer.

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In the beginning....no, let me sum up.

  The idea of this blog is of a chronicle of both my gaming and hobby for future reference by both me and my children and friends...   A t...