Wrath & Glory

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Warhammer: Wrath & Glory, The March of Chaos – The Crew, Part 1


I ran a D&D 5e campaign for the Tuesday group for a full year, Out of the Abyss. And I printed and painted terrain and mini’s for the entire campaign  It was fun, but pretty stressful at times being the GM.  And in the end didn’t really care for 5e much, especially at higher levels.  So, I took a break for the fall (other factors involved there too).  MW, the host and usual game master of the Tuesday night game ran a sci-fi campaign using 4th Ed. Hero System and when that game was concluding mid-winter, lured me back with the smell of the Grim Dark future of Warhammer.  He had been playing Warhammer 40k - Rogue Trader and had the bug to run a grim dark 40k style campaign.  I mentioned that I had all the rules and lots of extras for the Warhammer: Wrath & Glory RPG via a Humble Bundle deal.  Normally he would say something like “that’s nice” and then build the campaign using the very flexible Hero System rule set that he has used for a very long time (Side note, we played the Star Wars RPG numerous years ago.  Great game but the very non concise rules littered very haphazardly in the voluminous rule book completely doomed that campaign and we have been a bit gun-shy on learning new RPG rules ever since).

 …but this time was a bit different.  This time we had Chat GPT.  And MW loaded the entire rule set into it’s digital brain in order for it to “teach us how to play”.  I was skeptical but was pleasantly surprised. It worked great!  Very easy to just ask the GPT for rules explanations and clarification or what a rule was without really cracking the book (well, opening the PDF).

Anyway, MW came up with a full campaign helped by the GPT and I rejoined Tuesday night gaming.  I will try to keep a chronicle of that campaign here – Warhammer: Wrath & Glory

I was thrilled to pull out and paint some of the copious piles of gray plastic I had laying around…finally a reason to paint the Gallowdark! And each player would have a mini on the table painted to their specifications.

I laid claim to the role of the Rogue Trader 😊 and the rest of the crew ended up as following - Tempestus Scion (Big D), Sister of Battle (MP), Skitarri (Bcamp) and a Sanctioned Psyker (SH). 

I tackled the Tempestus Scion and Sister first.

GRYF KOLSON – Tempestus Scion played by Big D

I had recently purchased the Kasrkin Kill Team because I liked the models.  Lore wise, they are Tempestus Scions (as I understand it) but Big D threw a monkey in the wrench by asking me to paint his character as a member of the 55th Kappic Eagles with a Hot-Shot Las Volley Gun.  Well, that is the actual Tempestus Scion model kit if you want to be completely accurate I believe.  

I settled for painting a Kasrkin, with the required Hot-shot Las gun in my rendition of the 55th Kappic Eagles.


Kasrkin Tempestus Scion Hot shot las gun 55th Kappic Colors

I generally paint for tabletop quality +.  I was going a bit weathered for this guy, seen a few battles.Really mucked around with the colors on this guy. One of the first miniatures I have painted using AK 3rd Gen (which I really like a lot) and the original color was a lot darker than intended and had to work it back to where I wanted. But I think it helped with the weathering and shadows.

I gave some insignia options to the player who in turn choose the black spades.

kasrkin 55th kappic grenade trooper

Put on the 55th markings.  Was happy with the results.


And here he is finished is on the table

gallowdark cadian kasrkin hot shot volley grenade










CLAUDIA AMIAH - Sister of the Order of the Bloody Rose played by MP

The Sister of Battle was pretty straight forward.  Sister with bolter and chainsword.  Painted in all red in the scheme of the Order of the Bloody Rose.  The red hair was requested, I really fussed over this.  Was a pretty straightforward paint job and the AK reds are just excellent.  Cadmiun Red may be one of my new favorites.

 All in all pretty happy with the first two members of the party.

Up next , the Rogue Trader.

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