The crew of the Starlight Vanguard arrived to the moon of Mirrorshroud in the Nexus System on the hopes to make some quick credits. Mirrorshroud is a habitable moon of the gas giant Nexus-3 and is enveloped in a thick, swirling layer of reflective dust that plays havoc with laser-based weaponry. There is also lack of starship services adds to the moon's isolation. Their original purpose here was a courier job originating from the orbital star-port found on Nexus -9. Apparently the Starlight Vanguard wasn't up for the short journey and a required a few repairs before the crew could depart, the lack of services and lack of parts causing a bit of a delay.
While Rax was busy tinkering with the ship Captain Starfire Voss and Kai went looking for a quick job or two. Kai eventually made contact with the local government via her patron Admiral Reyes. Apparently a research outpost located in the Mirrorshroud out lands had not been heard from in some time. The job was to make contact and deliver a encrypted data drive to the outpost.
A land transport was provided and the Starfire Scoundrels where on their way. As they exited town a brief message come into their comms from their government contact....a local water trader just sent them a message saying that they had passed by the Research Station last week on his normal trade route and was accosted by cultists (Mirrorshorud's remote location attracted strange cultists and criminals alike hiding from the law). The trader told them he had to abort his normal stop at the research station for fear of being robbed or worse.
This was my very first time playing Five Parsecs from Home. The Starfire Scoundrels are composed of miniatures from Infinity, the cultists are 40K Cultists and the terrain is the Battle Systems Outlands Delta Garrison along with some odds and ends from TinkerTurf
Captain Starfire Voss tried all comms channels but none from the station made any response. Then a crackling reply in a dry course voice "stay away whoever you are, this prize is for the Great One who cleanses all..."
"Lock and load" Starfire told her crew, "looks like there's some cultists that need a lesson in manners."
Aerial view, north on top.
As the crew made their way to the station, taking up positions of cover, the cultists likewise took to cover on the far side of the of the facility. The central data-hub was pretty much out in the open and Jax and Hex moved over to the north side of the buildings, Ellias and Kai to the south while Starfire and Rax took up shooting positions on the eastern research building.
This combat was pretty slow and methodical with Captain Starfire dominating with her needle rifle and high combat skill. Rax did pretty well with the Marksman rifle despite his + 0 skill rolls. And Kai, Jax and Hex were able to gain the advantage of being on the roofs and made short work of those that sought cover. The cultists were controlled with the random AI Variations tables in Compendium. I also gave them a round of reinforcements. The Starfire Scoundrels did receive a few hits but none were taken down.
Jax and Hex trade shots with two crazed cultists
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