Wrath & Glory

Saturday, January 25, 2025

40k Space Skaven er no, Skulker Brigands!

 I started painting up a bunch of Skaven I had and knew I didn't want to paint all 19 (there were 20 I swear, but lost one priming them outside).  While looking through the enemy options in 5 Parsecs from Home, I saw the rat like Skulker Brigands.  So out came the bits box and I went to work (that Cawdor gang really was a great investment!).  This was really a speed paint, but I think they turned out pretty OK.

40k Skaven, space skaven, 5 parsecs from home


The gangs all ready on some Tinker Turf crates,

40k Skaven, space skaven, 5 parsecs from home

40k Skaven, space skaven, 5 parsecs from home

40k Skaven, space skaven, 5 parsecs from home

Thanks for looking!

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  The idea of this blog is of a chronicle of both my gaming and hobby for future reference by both me and my children and friends...   A t...