Wrath & Glory

Saturday, January 25, 2025

40k Space Skaven er no, Skulker Brigands!

 I started painting up a bunch of Skaven I had and knew I didn't want to paint all 19 (there were 20 I swear, but lost one priming them outside).  While looking through the enemy options in 5 Parsecs from Home, I saw the rat like Skulker Brigands.  So out came the bits box and I went to work (that Cawdor gang really was a great investment!).  This was really a speed paint, but I think they turned out pretty OK.

40k Skaven, space skaven, 5 parsecs from home


The gangs all ready on some Tinker Turf crates,

40k Skaven, space skaven, 5 parsecs from home

40k Skaven, space skaven, 5 parsecs from home

40k Skaven, space skaven, 5 parsecs from home

Thanks for looking!

Friday, January 17, 2025

Frostgrave Dark Alchemy

It's been too long.....

The Wizard Nik and Witch Maxine had a deal.  After the untimely passing of Maxine's apprentice Geoff, they had decided to bury the proverbial hatchet and work together.  You see, they both had in their possession halves of the same map, which when put together showed the location of a lair of a Dark Alchemist.

After making preparations and selecting their most trusted companions, they embarked on their journey into the Frostgrave.  After a day of searching they found their prize.  A collapsed whole in the ground that clearly led to somewhere....

After lowering themselves down into the buried chamber by rope, they found themselves what was looked to be a large storeroom of sorts.  Visibility was low even in lantern light, but Nik's keen eyed tracker clearly could make out large doors in opposite corners of the room.  The stood on one side of the room, and in the center of the room there appeared to be a grate in the floor...a grate out of which a giant rat emerged.  Then Max's war hound began the bark.  Nik's captain yelled a warning....coming for them was some sort of monstrosity, a misshaped mishmash of creatures fused together in an alchemist's experiment gone horribly wrong!


Frostgrave monstrosity

 Nik and Max take up positions to confront the Alchemical Monstrosity 

The monstrosity was as terrifying as it was difficult to put down. Max's war hound and soldier suffered grievous wound, as did Nik's Captain Triss.  Luckily, Nik was able to ease their wounds with potion and spell alike.  During the melee, Nik's tracker tried one of the two doors to no avail.

Frostgrave Co-op, Frostgrave wizards,

After defeating the horrible creature and rats, they flee to what must be the exit only to be confronted with a rat man wielding a rusty scimitar!

Frostgrave, wizards, table top skirmish, frostgrave game, dungeons and dragons, skirmish game

After defeating several waves of vicious rat men denying them exiting, the group was able to make it through the doors.  There they found themselves in a large chamber full of pipe works and broken ceramic urns scattering the floor around them....there ahead, what is that....a flame of a torch perhaps?

Frostgrave, wizards, table top skirmish, frostgrave game, dungeons and dragons, skirmish game

In the beginning....no, let me sum up.

  The idea of this blog is of a chronicle of both my gaming and hobby for future reference by both me and my children and friends...   A t...