Wrath & Glory

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Frosthaven - Banner Spear Proxy model....Stormcast style

 So one of my current monthly (sort of) games is Frosthaven.  We played and completed Gloomhaven and were excited about Frosthaven.....but not as much anymore I think.  The scenarios are still fun, if not a bit harder and longer (grindier?).  But the town building is a complete drag.  And I was really disappointed in the miniatures.  I think of Gloomhaven and Frosthaven as sort of bespoke games and they just should have better miniatures.  My first character was a Deathstalker and that mini was terrible so I printed a much better proxy for it (really should do a post for that).  When I retired that character I chose the Banner Spear and my next character class, but the included miniature was just terrible looking.  Enter Stormcaset Eternal Gwynne Ironsoul -


Gwynne Ironsoul, Stormcast Eternal, kitbash, conversion, banner blade, frosthaven, Age of Sigmar, Ironsoul's Condemnors

I then went crazy with magnets and made the banner removable and a couple of left arm swaps with an actual banner model for a banner summon.

Gwynne Ironsoul, Stormcast Eternal, kitbash, conversion, banner blade, frosthaven, Age of Sigmar, Ironsoul's Condemnors

Gwynne Ironsoul, Stormcast Eternal, kitbash, conversion, banner blade, frosthaven, Age of Sigmar, Ironsoul's Condemnors

I really like how this turned out and actually like the placed banner a bit more than the one she is holding.  Was sort of making that up as I went along using contrast paints and a bit of panel lining.  

Gynne wasnt actually my first proxy I made.  I kitbashed one from a Questor Soulsworn and some Stormcast parts and came up with something that I think was a good representation of the Frosthaven box art of the Banner Spear.

Questor Soulsworn, Stormcast Eternal, kitbash, conversion, banner blade, frosthaven, Age of Sigmar,

Questor Soulsworn, Stormcast Eternal, kitbash, conversion, banner blade, frosthaven, Age of Sigmar,

Forgive the pictures, those are my first attempt with a light box.

I think this actually is a great Banner Spear especially when looking at some of the Banner Spear art out there.  But the miniature presented a very large footprint that I thought would take up too much space on the board.  And in the end, Gynne Ironsoul turned out better than I could have imagined, both as a kitbash and the paint job.

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